are you ready to


change your stars?

The support you need to find your purpose, heal from emotional pain, step into your confidence, connect to your magic, and create moments worth living. 

join us for the in person experience | September 15 | charlotte, NC


private community & motivation

Welcome home.

hosted on zoom

Connect with us on our Sunday call

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The Pattern is your key to unlock the door and step into a new reality in your life. You aren't the only one who is feeling this way and there is a deeper reason behind WHY you feel the way you do. 

You will have to move mountains so that you can change your stars. I'm right here with you. You are not alone. There are truth's that I need you to see because, without them, you have a distorted reality. And so here, we break the illusion of you. We shatter the lies and we allow the truth to shine through it all.

You feel lost, stuck, behind, waiting and wishing life were different so you could finally feel like yourself.

JOIN The pattern group mentorship

Weekly Group Calls & Support Through Your Pattern



Sometimes we have deeper emotions or situations that need our attention and healing. Traci will wrap you in safety and love during these energy healing calls.


Deep Healing

Share your heart with whatever is weighing you down. Traci will clear your energy and give intuitive guidance to help you move forward and feel better.


Energy Management

Share your heart with whatever is weighing you down. Traci will clear your energy and give intuitive guidance to help you move forward and feel better.

/  Private 1:1 with traci

The Pattern Session

book here

book here

book here

$250 | 30 min | zoom

$250 | 30 min | zoom

$800 | 60 min | zoom

Creating opportunity and moments that are worth living for.

The Moment

Setting boundaries, clearing energy, and prioritizing yourself.

Energy Management

Learn about the patterns of the brain that keep you stuck, we help you merge and find totality.

The Pattern

Confidence builds over time through experience and choice - we show you how.


Discover the real you at the soul & self level & break free from conditioning.

Finding Yourself

Learn about emotions and how to feel the feels in the most authentic way. 

Emotional Healing

a few topics we cover

Engage in an orchestrated conversation where you sit on the couch and talk as if you are your soul, then sit on the other side and talk as if you are your self. Come to an agreement that merges the split, involving softening, compassion, healing, and an honest dialogue between all parts of you.

A virtual healing experience 

The choice experience

merge virtually with:


The magical room in the forest, by the ocean, with a mermaid fire at the center, and glass windows that are floor to ceiling to inspire you as we dive into the pages of The Story of You. 

The Retreat - Asilomar, CA

TBD | september 15

Step into a different world for a performance to spark your soul and ignite your life. Live visualization, music, and energy healing is incorporated.

The Performance - North Carolina

Dive into a LIVE
immersive experience !!

the story of you is coming to a city near you

Step into an unforgettable moment where you will experience "The Story of You" in the style of The Goddess Rebellion Podcast storytelling. Love herself will not only be talking to you, but she will be in the room with you where you can feel her, see her, and connect to her. The lines of reality and fiction are blurred as you dive into The Forest of Your Mind to break the pattern.

Get on the waitlist here

We will be diving into magic and healing with love leading the weekend with an immersive experience that will bring you clarity and deep healing. You will be surrounded by other souls who feel lost but had enough courage to say yes and try something new. Change is hard, which is why we need each other. You won't be forced to hold hands or sing out loud with anyone (it's not that kind of retreat) but you will leave this weekend feeling like your heart grew in size and so did your soul family. This will be as if you have stepped into our story - the retreat room is the inspiration behind the magical room in The Goddess Rebellion Podcast.

The magical room in the forest, by the ocean, with a mermaid fire at the center, and glass windows that are floor to ceiling to inspire your moment. We will be nestled in our own foggy forest, this will be a rustic and cozy getaway as we dive into the pages of The Story of You. 

The Magical Room with Love Herself

asilomar beach, ca

Let love lead you into the same magical room that the story of the split is told. Merge your split in a weekend and watch as you find your purpose & totality.

step into the immersive retreat experience

Merge Your Split in
the Magical Room alongside love

Returning client for over 9 years

Kathrine Baxter

"Now I look in the mirror & see happiness in my eyes. I see happiness in my life. The Gift has been one of the most magical experiences for me."

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Thank you beautiful!
We will be in touch soon, keep an eye out on your email.